Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Dear Dinosaurs,

Don't sit on the dinosaur.You ruled the earth for 160 million years. You were an extremely diverse group. Many of your kind grew to tremendous sizes, dwarfing most animals alive today. You've been called the most successful animals to ever walk the face of the Earth. BULLSHIT. Ever heard of Bill Gates? That guy’s worth like $50 billion and is way more successful than you’ll ever be.

And, here’s the kicker: You’re all dead! Nothing but fossils and footprints remain to document your existence. And, please don’t give me that “birds are dinosaurs” crap. A parakeet is no dinosaur, sirs. Good try though.

By the way, what species lived on after your sorry-asses became extinct? Are your tiny brains preventing you from coming up with the correct answer? OK, I'll give it to you: mammals. That's right, those little furry things to which you barely paid any mind.

Feeling a little angry? Want to take a swing at us? Ha ha! Good look trying with those little T-Rex arms of yours.

And, now that you’re dead, we mammals are free to sully your image with awful movies and television shows like “Denver, the Last Dinosaur”, and that other one with the stupid-ass baby dinosaur that yelled “Not the mama!” over and over. Why do we do this? It’s simple -- because we can.

So go fuck yourselves, Dinosaurs. It was nice knowing you. Enjoy extinction.


The Mammals

Dinosaurs (225 million to 65 million years ago)

Friday, May 1, 2009

Sex From Above, Death Below!

Sex on the roof should be fun, not deadly.There seems to be a lot of people who forget all the basics of life during the throws of passion. I don't quite understand what makes people get down and dirty in dangerous ways, but Brent Tyler and Chelsea Tumbleston got naked on the roof of a 4 story building, and fell.

I'm quite sure they stated making some fuck, but I'm not sure that they finished before they hit the ground. Many people say that when they die they want it to be while having sex, but I'm sure that most people want to finish and then die. These guys were found alive, naked on the ground, and died on the way to the hospital. Not quite as exciting.

Seriously, keep the sex indoors, at least if you're elevated. Otherwise, go have fun, you horny idiots.

Brent Tyler and Chelsea Tumbleston (1986 - 2007)

Source: http://www.wistv.com/global/story.asp?s=6683978