That’s what happened to Edwin Payne, 65-years old, and recently retired. While out playing a round of golf, Mr. Payne, who had just taken a mulligan due to a wayward tee shot, returned to the tee to hit a second ball, and then hopped into his 2003 Club Car DS electric golf cart to go after it.
That’s when the cart starting bouncing around, jostling Mr. Payne, causing him to lose control, jump a curb, careen down the aforementioned embankment, and then sail off a 100-foot cliff. Payne was ejected from the vehicle and deposited on a bike lane alongside a highway. He would not survive the fall, unsurprisingly.
I bring you this story in the spirit of the Masters, which just recently ended, with the green jacket being awarded to Angel (pronounced An-hell if you want to sound smart in golf circles. What? You don’t belong to any golf circles? I pity you.) Cabrera. The point of mentioning this? Absolutely none. I just needed some filler.
In conclusion, I'd wager Mr. Payne probably wishes he could take a do-over on that last, wild ride of his, because there ain't nothing funny about tumbling to your death in a golf cart. Nothing at all. So stop your smirking.
Edwin Payne (1942- 2007)
Source: http://www.ocregister.com/ocregister/homepage/abox/article_1703247.php