Well, if you don’t believe me, it doesn’t matter, because you’re an idiot. They are called Komodo Dragons, stupid, and they inhabit various islands around Indonesia. Some other fun facts about Komodo Dragons: they are cannibalistic; also, female dragons have been known to lay eggs and produce viable offspring even when no male is present (freaky!).
Despite the incontrovertible evidence of their existence, my mind refuses to acknowledge that there are dragons among us. That’s why I have to laugh at the fate of an Indonesia fisherman named Muhamad Anwa who, in 2009, had an unfortunate run-in with two Komodo Dragons as he attempted to procure some fruit from a sugar-apple tree on the remote island of Komodo. Note to self: stay far away from the remote island of Komodo.
Anyhoo, as Anwa was climbing the tree, he apparently fell and was attacked by the Komodos. His mangled body was recovered by other fisherman who rushed him to a nearby hospital, but he would be pronounced DOA. Too bad for Anwa.
I have to ask: isn’t getting killed by a dragon a bit like getting killed by a unicorn? I mean, dude, you got killed by made-up animal. Or...maybe it's like getting killed by a Narwhale. Nobody actually believes those exist.
Note to self: research any and all Narwhale related deaths.
Muhamad Anwa (1978 – 2009)
Source: http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/asiapcf/03/24/komodo.dragon/index.html