Monday, April 13, 2009

Won't You Please Help The Dollar?

100 billion Zimbabwean dollars buys you three eggs.I consider myself extremely fortunate to have been born in the United States, a country where we live in relative opulence compared to most of the world, and where we are free to spend money on useless crap like Bumper Nuts, if it pleases us. But some, sadly, are not so lucky.

Take the case of the poor Zimbabwean dollar, born in 1980 in Zimbabwe – its life was tragically cut short in March 2009 after it had inflated to astronomical values. At one point, the government announced plans to issue a $100 trillion note, estimated to be worth around $30 US dollars. (ed’s note: I’ve never taken a college-level economics course, cannot balance my checkbook, and suck at figuring out the tip, but even I know that’s not good).

Back in March, the finance minister of Zimbabwe pronounced the dollar dead, telling members of parliament: “The death of the (Zimbabwean) dollar is a reality we have to live with...Since October 2008, our national currency has become moribund.” Have you ever heard a more touching elegy?

Sadly, it seems even Sally Struthers efforts could not have saved the hapless dollar as it rapidly diminished in value and withered away.

Farewell Zimbabwean dollar. You will be missed.

Zimbabwean dollar (1980 – 2009)
