Are you waiting for the punchline? Well, it isn’t coming, because some moron actually did this, and now he’s dead. If you’re thinking: “Well, he’s Polish, so that makes sense”, then you definitely need culture sensitivity training. Stupidity crosses all ethnic lines, and no group has a monopoly on doing dumb shit, not even Polish people.
According to reports, the 41-year-old Polish man was visiting London to improve his English. While at Vauxhall station in south London, he was observed on closed-circuit TV cameras walking into a recessed area, from which he failed to reappear.
It is there that officials believe our luckless Pole answered the call of nature, urinating on a live rail surging with 750-volts. You already know how this story ends.
According to an unnamed source, “Perhaps because he was from Poland he had no idea the rail was electrified.” Really? Do you seriously think they don't know about electrified rails in Poland? You have to admire the unapologetic bigotry exhibited by this unnamed source. C'mon people, can't we move beyond these hurtful stereotypes already?
By the way, for any Polish readers still with us, the title of this post works on two levels. Yep. Think about it. I'll give you a minute.
Unnamed Polack (1967 - 2008)
Source: http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard/article-23518902-details/Urinating+man+electrocuted/article.do