William Lee Campbell, 41, of Colorado Springs, died recently. Unfortunately for William, there won't be anyone drinking in his honor because he got drunk, got on a motorcycle, and DUI'd, seriously injuring his passenger, Maria Renee Campbell. He could have hurt or killed others, but thankfully only his drunk ass is dead now. You would think a thousand commercials on TV or warning labels on beer bottles would spell it out for people by 2009.
Now that I come to think of it, today is an important day for us here. You see, today is St. Patrick's day, a celebration of when St. Patty died. (Ironic?) Really, is there any better day for us at www.HaHaYouDied.com to celebrate?
Yes. How about "I Won't Go Out And Get Drunk And Annoying In Primary Colors Day"? We're all about people being dumbshits, taking themselves out of the life equation, but don't injure innocent bystanders, or throw up on them. Let them fuck up on their own!
William Lee Campbell (1968 - 2009)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
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