Monday, June 8, 2009

You're Dead, Jim, You April Fool.

Someone once said "Jim Bailey was a thrill seeker." Someone also once said "Driving a car without good breaks is like skydiving without a parachute." Unfortunately, Jim Bailey never heard that phrase before. In fact, he didn't think he was about to go skydiving at all when he decided to try out his stunt.

Suspended from an airplane by a flimsy harness, Jim Bailey went from stunt man to stunted man once the damn thing broke. He managed to put up a little fight, hanging from the axle by his hands, but it wasn't enough. There are a few things that made this situation worse. First of all, he had no parachute. Secondly, it's all on video. I wouldn't post the video here if it was full of gore and nasty, but it isn't. Thidly, this was on April 1st, 1981. Tempting the fates of the fools much?

So take it all in and remember, don't do stupid shit. It will kill you.

Jim Bailey (? - 1981)

Friday, June 5, 2009

Hangkok In Bangkok

David Carradine: One Last Play With The Pee Pee "Natural causes" my ass. Actually, I guess any time you die because you can't breathe, or your heart stops, it could be considered natural. If you kept living, that would be some unnatural, demonic, android shit. Unfortunately for David Carradine, when you have a public image, what you do with your privates, in private, will eventually become public. That is even more true if it winds up killing you.

Apparently, Carradine was found in a closet, with a rope around his neck and his genitals. Now, auto-erotic asphyxiation has killed people before, including some famous ones, but none of them were naked inside of a closet at a hotel. There is also a report that his hands were tied behind his back. Does this mean that someone else was in there with him? If so, didn't they realize that a safe word is pointless when you're choking and can't talk?

Either way, unless he was murdered, which I doubt, this is one hell of a stupid way for a healthy 72-year-old to leave this world. Whether Bill killed Bill, or it was some hooker turning some Beatrix on his Kiddo, with a rope tied around his Hanzo and his sword, it just ain't right.

David Carradine (1936 - 2009)


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Dear Dinosaurs,

Don't sit on the dinosaur.You ruled the earth for 160 million years. You were an extremely diverse group. Many of your kind grew to tremendous sizes, dwarfing most animals alive today. You've been called the most successful animals to ever walk the face of the Earth. BULLSHIT. Ever heard of Bill Gates? That guy’s worth like $50 billion and is way more successful than you’ll ever be.

And, here’s the kicker: You’re all dead! Nothing but fossils and footprints remain to document your existence. And, please don’t give me that “birds are dinosaurs” crap. A parakeet is no dinosaur, sirs. Good try though.

By the way, what species lived on after your sorry-asses became extinct? Are your tiny brains preventing you from coming up with the correct answer? OK, I'll give it to you: mammals. That's right, those little furry things to which you barely paid any mind.

Feeling a little angry? Want to take a swing at us? Ha ha! Good look trying with those little T-Rex arms of yours.

And, now that you’re dead, we mammals are free to sully your image with awful movies and television shows like “Denver, the Last Dinosaur”, and that other one with the stupid-ass baby dinosaur that yelled “Not the mama!” over and over. Why do we do this? It’s simple -- because we can.

So go fuck yourselves, Dinosaurs. It was nice knowing you. Enjoy extinction.


The Mammals

Dinosaurs (225 million to 65 million years ago)

Friday, May 1, 2009

Sex From Above, Death Below!

Sex on the roof should be fun, not deadly.There seems to be a lot of people who forget all the basics of life during the throws of passion. I don't quite understand what makes people get down and dirty in dangerous ways, but Brent Tyler and Chelsea Tumbleston got naked on the roof of a 4 story building, and fell.

I'm quite sure they stated making some fuck, but I'm not sure that they finished before they hit the ground. Many people say that when they die they want it to be while having sex, but I'm sure that most people want to finish and then die. These guys were found alive, naked on the ground, and died on the way to the hospital. Not quite as exciting.

Seriously, keep the sex indoors, at least if you're elevated. Otherwise, go have fun, you horny idiots.

Brent Tyler and Chelsea Tumbleston (1986 - 2007)


Thursday, April 30, 2009

How The Hell Can You Drown In 6 Inches Of Water?

Yeah, they didn't have this back in 190But really... how? I imagine you have to be pretty bad at swimming, or do something incredibly stupid to get yourself into a situation where even 6 inches of water could drown your stupid ass. Well, back in 1906, John Cullen found out exactly what that special something was.

On his way home one midnight, for some reason John tried to climb over a barbed wire fence and got his feet tangled up so bad that he couldn't save himself. I'm guessing that there must have been a puddle right next to the fence or something, but come on! I hope he was drunk or something because that is just pathetic. Was barbed wire a new thing back then? At any rate, it just goes to show you that we should be worried about EVERYTHING, not just the swine flu. When something as outlandish as a puddle of water could be a death instrument, who knows what danger lurks at every corner.

John Cullen (? - 1906)


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Pole Shock

Don't whiz on the electric fence.Why did the Polish guy piss on the electrified rail?

Are you waiting for the punchline? Well, it isn’t coming, because some moron actually did this, and now he’s dead. If you’re thinking: “Well, he’s Polish, so that makes sense”, then you definitely need culture sensitivity training. Stupidity crosses all ethnic lines, and no group has a monopoly on doing dumb shit, not even Polish people.

According to reports, the 41-year-old Polish man was visiting London to improve his English. While at Vauxhall station in south London, he was observed on closed-circuit TV cameras walking into a recessed area, from which he failed to reappear.

It is there that officials believe our luckless Pole answered the call of nature, urinating on a live rail surging with 750-volts. You already know how this story ends.

According to an unnamed source, “Perhaps because he was from Poland he had no idea the rail was electrified.” Really? Do you seriously think they don't know about electrified rails in Poland? You have to admire the unapologetic bigotry exhibited by this unnamed source. C'mon people, can't we move beyond these hurtful stereotypes already?

By the way, for any Polish readers still with us, the title of this post works on two levels. Yep. Think about it. I'll give you a minute.

Unnamed Polack (1967 - 2008)


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sudden Death!

Deadly Wii Fit BoardAs if the Nintendo Wii wasn’t already dangerous enough, what with flying Wiimotes, low-res graphics (Hello? Ever hear of eye strain?), and loads of shovelware threatening to devour your hard-earned cash, it seems a new threat has emerged in the form of the innocuous looking Wii Fit board.

The first casualty of this no doubt looming epidemic is Lewis Hickin, of Norfolk, England; only 25-years old, a drummer in a rock ‘n roll band, and a scout leader, Hickin was healthy, and could most likely tie a hitch knot.

Nevertheless, after ordering a kebab and sipping a glass of port wine, Hickin stepped onto the Wii Fit board for a little afternoon gaming sesh. While jogging in place, he suddenly collapsed to the floor. His girlfriend and friend phoned an ambulance and tried to revive him, but their efforts were for naught, as he would be pronounced dead upon arriving at the hospital.

The official cause of death still remains a mystery, although officials believe it to be a case of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, aka SADS, aka we don’t have a fucking clue.

Here's the part where I usually end with a joke, but I'm a little freaked out by killer Wii Fit boards, and the prospect of being struck dead by SADS, so I think I'll stop typing now and lie motionless in the corner for a while.

Lewis Hickin (1984 – 2009)


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

No Mulligans!

Golf cart fallen on its side."Wheeeee! Ouch! Ooof! Grunt! Mother!" No, those aren’t the sweet sounds of love-making. Rather, they are what I imagine to be the last sounds uttered by someone who has just gone careening off a 25-foot embankment and is now tumbling to their death.

That’s what happened to Edwin Payne, 65-years old, and recently retired. While out playing a round of golf, Mr. Payne, who had just taken a mulligan due to a wayward tee shot, returned to the tee to hit a second ball, and then hopped into his 2003 Club Car DS electric golf cart to go after it.

That’s when the cart starting bouncing around, jostling Mr. Payne, causing him to lose control, jump a curb, careen down the aforementioned embankment, and then sail off a 100-foot cliff. Payne was ejected from the vehicle and deposited on a bike lane alongside a highway. He would not survive the fall, unsurprisingly.

I bring you this story in the spirit of the Masters, which just recently ended, with the green jacket being awarded to Angel (pronounced An-hell if you want to sound smart in golf circles. What? You don’t belong to any golf circles? I pity you.) Cabrera. The point of mentioning this? Absolutely none. I just needed some filler.

In conclusion, I'd wager Mr. Payne probably wishes he could take a do-over on that last, wild ride of his, because there ain't nothing funny about tumbling to your death in a golf cart. Nothing at all. So stop your smirking.

Edwin Payne (1942- 2007)


Monday, April 13, 2009

Won't You Please Help The Dollar?

100 billion Zimbabwean dollars buys you three eggs.I consider myself extremely fortunate to have been born in the United States, a country where we live in relative opulence compared to most of the world, and where we are free to spend money on useless crap like Bumper Nuts, if it pleases us. But some, sadly, are not so lucky.

Take the case of the poor Zimbabwean dollar, born in 1980 in Zimbabwe – its life was tragically cut short in March 2009 after it had inflated to astronomical values. At one point, the government announced plans to issue a $100 trillion note, estimated to be worth around $30 US dollars. (ed’s note: I’ve never taken a college-level economics course, cannot balance my checkbook, and suck at figuring out the tip, but even I know that’s not good).

Back in March, the finance minister of Zimbabwe pronounced the dollar dead, telling members of parliament: “The death of the (Zimbabwean) dollar is a reality we have to live with...Since October 2008, our national currency has become moribund.” Have you ever heard a more touching elegy?

Sadly, it seems even Sally Struthers efforts could not have saved the hapless dollar as it rapidly diminished in value and withered away.

Farewell Zimbabwean dollar. You will be missed.

Zimbabwean dollar (1980 – 2009)


Friday, April 10, 2009

Premature Incineration

If only they all died that young... There is just something special about a suicide bomber. I don't mean special in the "how precious, let's all hug you" sort of way. I mean special "drooling all over yourself on the shortest short bus, while doing whatever some dumbass tells you to do" kind of special. We don't get to deal with that kind of shit every day, and boy, are we glad about that.

So, usually when dealing with a suicide bomber, stupidity, fanaticism, and a lack of logic are all a given. However, when you self-detonate before you are supposed to, taking out six of your partners in crime at the same time, you're not just an idiot... you're a hero!

Rarely can we call terrorists of any sort a hero, but thankfully you've done such a BANG up job that we can thank you for it. Unfortunately, you left us without telling us who you were, but you'll always have a special place in our hearts... a place that is singed and littered with charred body parts.

Unknown (? - 2009)


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Shop Till You Drop!

The Picture Says IT all! No matter what you are going through in life, suicide is clearly not the answer. Already a selfish act, it is even more boneheaded and idiotic to do it in a public place and in a way that might hurt other people. Oh, sure, you're already hurting your family, friends, or anyone else that gives a shit about you to begin with, but when you jump off an upper level at the mall you should at least yell out "Look out below!" to warn unsuspecting innocent bystanders!

Furthermore, landing on someone who is sitting in a massage chair is just messed up. There someone is, just trying to relax and be free of stress and you have to go and land on them. Thankfully the kid wasn't killed, but he'll be mentally and physically scarred for life. Seriously, the phrase "look before you leap" exists for a reason! It would be pretty hard to miss seeing this kid if you just looked!

You know, how about everyone else that also had to witness this shit? Children are going to need therapy and someone had to clean that mess up. What a selfish cunt. Suicide is wrong, but if you must do it, do it in private and leave a damn note that keeps the ambiguity out of it.

Mary Lovelace (1954 - 2009)


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Here, There Be Effin' Dragons!

Unicorns aren't real, stupid.Would you believe me if I told you that walking the face of the Earth at this very moment are 9-foot-long dragons, with razor sharp teeth, and deadly, poisonous bites?

Well, if you don’t believe me, it doesn’t matter, because you’re an idiot. They are called Komodo Dragons, stupid, and they inhabit various islands around Indonesia. Some other fun facts about Komodo Dragons: they are cannibalistic; also, female dragons have been known to lay eggs and produce viable offspring even when no male is present (freaky!).

Despite the incontrovertible evidence of their existence, my mind refuses to acknowledge that there are dragons among us. That’s why I have to laugh at the fate of an Indonesia fisherman named Muhamad Anwa who, in 2009, had an unfortunate run-in with two Komodo Dragons as he attempted to procure some fruit from a sugar-apple tree on the remote island of Komodo. Note to self: stay far away from the remote island of Komodo.

Anyhoo, as Anwa was climbing the tree, he apparently fell and was attacked by the Komodos. His mangled body was recovered by other fisherman who rushed him to a nearby hospital, but he would be pronounced DOA. Too bad for Anwa.

I have to ask: isn’t getting killed by a dragon a bit like getting killed by a unicorn? I mean, dude, you got killed by made-up animal. Or...maybe it's like getting killed by a Narwhale. Nobody actually believes those exist.

Note to self: research any and all Narwhale related deaths.

Muhamad Anwa (1978 – 2009)


Thursday, April 2, 2009


California native Jeff Twaddle, 54 -- Can I pause for a moment to point out what an awesome last name that is? Urban Dictionary offers the following definition:

1. To waddle due to an object inserted in one's bearded taco.

But I digress. Twaddle was a crew member on board a boat chartered to take some elementary school students from L.A. on a fishing trip. I imagine he was probably a fun guy to hang with. As evidence of this, he attempted to amuse the students by baiting a fish and sticking it in his mouth.

Things became unfunny very quickly, however, when he began choking on the fish. Crew members tried valiantly to save him, but were unsuccessful in their efforts. He would eventually become unconscious, go into full cardiac arrest, and later be pronounced dead at the hospital.

The autopsy would list the cause of death as "aspiration of fish", thus clearing up any uncertainty about the circumstances surrounding Twaddle's fishy death, and also ensuring that he would forever be remembered as the guy who choked to death on a fish, but not the guy with the last name that also means "To diddle one's twat."

Now, that's the real tragedy in my opinion.

Jeff Twaddle (1955 - 2009)


Friday, March 27, 2009

Hold The Pickles

Cheesy burger no picklesI have the utmost respect for individuals who are supremely competent at their jobs -- whether they are a firefighter, garbage man, school teacher, or jizz mopper in a peep-show booth. It doesn't matter. The point is, competence is not an easy thing to come by these days.

That said, even competent people make mistakes every now and then, but the severity of the consequences of those mistakes varies greatly depending on one's line of work. Let me give you an example:

If I go into McDonalds and ask for a hamburger without pickles, and I'm served a hamburger with pickles, nobody dies. If, however, I'm having a heart attack, and when the paramedics arrive, the best they can do is offer me a hamburger with pickles, the consequences might be very different. That's not quite what happened in this case, but it’s close enough.

A 39-year-old gentleman, from lovely Washington, “still not a state” D.C., called 911 to complain of chest pain and trouble breathing. Paramedics were dispatched, and when they arrived at the complainant’s house, ran some tests on him, and asked what he had had for dinner -- a burger, coincidentally. Since the tests results came back normal, they told the man he was probably just experiencing heart-burn and suggested he take some Tums. Whoops.

Six hour later, the man was found lying on the floor, dead of a massive heart attack. Uh-oh. Now, I’m not saying that the paramedics were incompetent, but damn if they didn’t serve this dude some sour pickles when he clearly didn't want any.

Edward Givens (1969 - 2008)


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Isn't It Ironic, Don't You Think?

Grave Digger fall down go boom."It's like raaaiiin on your wedding day. It's a free...". Wait a minute. How is rain on your wedding day ironic? Moving on...

George Eisenhart Jr., 41 years young, was the president of a company that promoted monster truck shows. Tragically, at one of these shows, a 6-year-old boy was struck and killed by debris flung off a truck as it was doing donuts.

In an effort to do some damage control, George later told a local news outlet:

"This is our 16th year, and I wish I had a big piece of wood to knock on right now, but we have not had an incident besides a gal slipping in the aisle at another location...We think our venue is very safe and all the shows we do are very safe."

At another show, only days after the incident, George became the unwitting player in our tale of irony when he was run down and killed by a monster truck while walking through a restricted area.

I bet George wishes he had had that big piece of wood handy. Nevertheless, I have a hunch he would mostly likely chuckle at the delicious irony inherent in this story. Then again, I suppose it's difficult to appreciate anything delicious, much less irony, when you're dead.

George Eisenhart Jr. (1968 - 2009)


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Death: Now Delievered In 30 Minutes Or Less!

That pizza was dy-no-mite! Brian Douglas Wells was something of an underachiever. After dropping out of high school in 1973, he managed to stick with his dead end pizza delivery job for almost 30 years. His last pizza delivery would definitely be the most memorable.

Being a stickler for customer satisfaction, when Marjorie Diehl-Armstrong and Kenneth Barnes told him that the time-bomb they had tied around his neck was fake, he believed them. They had planned a bank heist together with him before this date, and a very important part of stealing money, is making sure that you get away from it alive.

He was going to tell the cops that he was a hostage and that men planted the bomb on him so that they could get their demands met. Unfortunately, before he left the guys, they let him know that the bomb was actually real. Talk about a mind blowing reveal!

Anyhow, they gave him a nifty shotgun that looked like a cane and told him to go steal $250,000 from the bank and tell the police the original story. He did and the cops called in the bomb squad. Unfortunately for him, it was in fact a real time bomb after all. Three minutes, yes, just three minutes before the bomb squad showed up, Brian was given the gift of a fist-sized hole in his chest.

Kids, please, finish high school, and if you're so inclined have some post-secondary schooling or training... you don't want to wind up like this gullible imbecile, do you?

Brian Douglas Wells (1956 - 2003)


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sometimes Rubbers Don't Just Kill Sperm

There are a lot of sick, kid touching clergy on this planet. So much so that it shocks me when I find a man of the cloth into something other than little boys. Reverend Gary Aldridge, 41, may have tended his flock at the Thorington Road Baptist Church for 15 years, but that doesn't mean he didn't get his sick willy nilly's off now and again. Instead of feasting on the tiny pee-pees of Montgomery Alabama's youth, he had his eyes set on things of a latex nature.

Though his blind followers may not allow themselves to believe that their religious leader loved to swing from straps, while being covered from head to toe in rubber wet suits, with a condom covered dildo in his ass... that is exactly how the cops found him. Well, he gets a little bit of respect for not hurting anyone but himself with this, but come on man! Where the fuck was that dildo that you needed to put a condom on it? Do I want to know? Still, he did something wrong according to his beliefs and paid the ultimate price for it: an embarassing death, complete with anal masturbation. I'm sure his family was super happy with what happened.

Gary Aldridge (1960 - 2007)


Snuggles: 1, Patrick Von Allmen: 0

At least it wasn't a trouser snake.Welcome to our continuing series on animal related deaths. Today's item concerns one Patrick Von Allmen, from Southern Indiana, 23-years-old, and the late owner of a 14-foot python that I'm going to call "Snuggles".

Snuggles, like most members of the Pythonidae family, had a real fondness for squeezing, or constricting things that it loved so very much, such as rodents, cats, neighborhood dogs, and one Patrick Von Allmen.

Sadly for Von Allmen, Snuggles squeezed a little too hard one fateful day when, according to family members, the young man informed them he was going to the shed to "treat the snake for a medical condition." How anyone can tell a snake is sick, I've no clue.

I'm going to assume the conversation went something like this:

Patrick Von Allmen (imagine Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel from The Simpsons): Hey mom, pa, sis, my darlin' wife (also directed at his sister), I'm goin' to the shed over yonder to fix up Snuggles somethin' good, 'cause he been sick as a dog lately.

Nevertheless, poor Von Allmen was found a few hours later, dead as a doornail, with the most deadly necktie imaginable coiled around his willowy neck. Poor, stupid Patrick Von Allmen. Done in by your own pet.

In the words of Nelson Muntz: Hah-Ha!

Patrick Von Allmen (1983 - 2006)


Monday, March 23, 2009

You're Not The Only Person With A Gun

This guy would have had a better chance. Even the dumbest people can come off as innocent victims, but that is an impossibility when you're wearing a mask and holding a gun. Christopher Barreto lead a life a crime, starting his dumb-assery when he was only 14 years old. I don't know what his home environment was, but I'm sure he got hit by chancletas and belts a lot, and may even have been made to kneel in rice. Still that doesn't excuse him for his future life of crime.

One night, Chris decided it would be a good idea to visit the "El Michoacano Supermarket" and hold them up at gun point. I don't know about you, but I'd be afraid to try anything on people who work at a place named "El Michoacano", simply because I'm sure they sell machetes there. Anyhow, I'm not too far off point, because when one of the employees hit a silent alarm, one in the back came around the store with a gun just in time to see Christopher pointing a gun at a woman and child.

Needless to say, it all ended with a BANG. See, if you're going to run around with a mask on, you better be either a superhero or a criminal with a bullet proof vest. Beyond that, do some goddamn research! Case the joint before you try to live up to thieving Hispanic stereotypes. Sure, one stereotype is bad enough, but you made us look stupid too!

Christopher Barreto (1985 - 2008)


Last's Last Trip

Weird X-RayIt really is sad what some women will do for a man... or money. Take poor ol' Nicola Last, who was somehow convinced by her travel mates (one of whom she may or may not have been romantically involved with) to ingest 34 bags of cocaine while vacationing in Trinidad. The ultimate goal being to smuggle them back into the UK.

Customs officials had been alerted to the fact that something was fishy, but fortunately, or unfortunately for Ms. Last, they failed to find the ingested drug pouches; they were apparently dumbshits who couldn't operate the body scanner and x-ray equipment properly. Way to go guys!

So Ms. Last, who resembled a human piñata at this point, traveled home where some of the packages would later burst. The resulting level of cocaine in her bloodstream, which was "one of the highest levels ever recorded" according to officials, would ultimately kill her.

I'd like to feel sorry for Ms. Last, but when you do something this stupid, you really do get what you deserve.

Nicola Last (1966 - 2006)


Sunday, March 22, 2009

I'm Sure He SAW It Coming

And they make a great close shave too! There are millions of different ways to commit suicide. There are also a handful of justifiable reasons to do it. If given the choice between being raped by a bunch of silverback apes with razorblades tied to their dicks while I'm face down in 3 feet of shit, or death, I'm sure I'd choose death.

On the other hand, if my landlord sold the house I live in and offered me a different place to stay, I'd be ok with that, or at least ok with it enough to not want to die. David Phyall, 50, did not share a similar view. He was "irrationally opposed to moving" and decided he'd rather devise a way to cut his own head off with a chainsaw than have to pack all that damn silverware and those dusty old books into boxes. I guess I could kind of see his point. I mean, moving is really annoying, but still... it isn't anything to lose your head over.

The one thing I can say in this guy's favor is that he had goals and conviction and stood by his ideals. It didn't really do anything positive for him in the long run, but hey, at least he wasn't a quitter.

David Phyall (1958 - 2008)


Ring Around The Collar

Here's an unusual one from the medical files: A 67-year-old man accidentally hanged himself by his sweater. Impossible you say?

According to the autopsy, the man was piss-drunk, happened to pass out, and managed to catch the collar of his sweater on his motorcycle brake handle, strangling himself in the process.

I knew motorcycles were dangerous, but sweaters? I really do hope it was one of those hideous Christmas sweaters, as it would somehow make this story even funnier.

Of all the myriad ways to kick the bucket, this one definitely deserves special mention. I wonder if they have a special award in heaven for "Most Awesomely Mundane Death".

Unknown (1935 - 2002)


Saturday, March 21, 2009

I Wonder What Would Have Happened If He Farted

Yeah, fire breathing is supposed to be all death-defying, awe-inducing and rife with holy-shit-wonder, but I always thought it was kind of cheesy. They spit alcohol at a torch. Big flame. Big whoop. But this is definitely one performance that would have filled even the most jaded of circus audience members with some holy-shit-wonder.

Vlad Cazacu, a 43-year-old performer at the Big Top in Bucharest, was in the midst of his fire-eating theatrics during a matinee show when...well, he exploded. According to fellow performer Nicolae Antosu, "We found his head in the popcorn machine."

As if that isn't hilarious enough, made even funnier by the fact that he was surrounded by a crowd of children (yes, I am in need of therapy), it was a burp that did him in. Apparently, Cazacu swallowed some of the flammable liquid he was holding in his mouth, burped the vapors up and turned himself into a human firecracker.

So, aspiring fire-eaters take heed: No Nachos Bell Grande and root beer before a big show.

Vlad Cazacu (1955-1998)

Source: The Parrot via Strange But True...

Hang "10" Dead Dude

Spicoli from Fast Times at Ridgemont HighSubway surfing, or "skylarking", as the NYC transit authority calls it -- why are you so weird transit authority? -- involves riding atop a moving subway car.

Sounds safe enough, right? Provided, of course, that you have Spider-man-like reflexes to avoid all of those steel girders coming at you at 50 miles per hour.

Unfortunately, 21-year-old merchant marine Brian Hochstetter seems to have never been bitten by a radioactive spider in his short life, because in 2005, while performing the aforementioned stunt, he was struck by a girder, causing a skull fracture, and his eventual death.

I understand some people are born daredevils who need that extra adrenaline rush every now and then. But, don't do stupid stuff like surfing on a subway car, unless you've got the panache to do it without slamming your head into a steel girder like a moron, moron.

Brian Hochstetter (1984 - 2005)


Friday, March 20, 2009

Off The Wagon And On To The Rails

Drunk people always ruin it for everyone else. I hate getting on public transportation. I have to do it every goddamn day, and most people are annoying enough, without being drunk. I also hate going to concerts, only to be surrounded by inebreiated, shirtless morons or women that are trying hard not to throw up. You know what sounds even worse than this? A combo of the two.

Natalie Smead, 18, was on her way to a concert, with a bunch of friends and family, and decided to do some underage drinking for the ride. Why not, right? It's not like its illegal or anything. Now, had I been on this train, surrounded by a bunch of drunk concert goers, I'd probably start pushing people off of it at the next stop. That's just how I roll.

At some point at the station she fell off of the locomotive and into the gap between the train and the platform. Officials told her not to move and instead she found her way on to some tracks and got hit by a different train. Sure sounds like a bad day of drinking to me. It serves as a lesson to rest of us. Don't get drunk in public! Also, for fuck's sake, can we stop it with the teen drinking? Teenagers are dumb enough on their own, the last thing they need is alcohol to help them along towards G. W. Bush levels of stupid. Don't do drugs, stop drinking before your time, and stay in school. You damn kids, with your sex and your Twisted Sister!

Natalie Smead (1988 - 2006)


One More Dead Gamer

Fat Cartman from South ParkSure, we've all had marathon gaming sessions. Hell, I can recall countless sessions over the years where I've basked in the warm glow of my television, without seeing nary a ray of sunlight for days on end.

Some people, of course, take things a little bit too far. And those people are usually from Korea, or China, or...well, you get the point.

Such is the case of a 28-year-old South Korean man, identified only as Lee, who died after playing StarCraft for 50 hours straight in an internet cafe in 2005. According to reports, the man had not eaten or slept properly for the duration of the session, pausing only for short naps and to take trips to the crapper.

The official cause of death is believed to be "heart failure stemming from exhaustion". Wow. I won't deny that Starcraft is an addicting game, but come the fuck on!

I do wonder if Blizzard has plans to unleash StarCraft 2 on the afterlife crowd, because if so, this dude is eternally screwed (assuming it's possible to die twice).

Lee (1977 - 2005)


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Deerly Departed...

The buck stops YOU here!Generally, if you go out hunting for a certain kind of animal, you don't usually keep some in captivity. I don't think any bear hunters have pet bears, and I'm sure lion hunters, the big dumb assholes that they were, didn't have lion pets. So... why in the hell did Ronald Donah, a seasoned hunter, keep about a half dozen deer on his property? Hell, even the people who gave him the license to do so couldn't even figure it out!

Well, I know why... because he was fucking stupid! When you keep deer in captivity, especially bucks, they become very territorial, especially when they are in "rut" (aka HORNY... yes I mean that in both possible ways). Since the buck probably thought that Ronald was interfering with his courting of a doe, he decided he had enough and gored the idiot to death. Imagine, a man who had been a hunter for so long getting killed by the very thing he hunted... and it wasn't a predator.

Doe! I mean... Doh!

Ronald Donah (1963 - 2006)

What A Clown

Funny clownWhat's funnier than a clown? Why, a dead clown, of course!

Now, how about if the clown is hanging from a cage attached to the underside of a hot-air balloon, that suddenly catches fire, causing the cage to fall and crush said clown to death, while a bunch of doe-eyed children look on?

That's exactly what happened to a 26-year-old clown from Belarus, who was performing at a circus in Ireland. According to a witness, "We were all sitting down and they were doing their act. They were up fairly high, but they were doing fine. Next thing, he was down on the ground." Well, yeah, that's what happens when you fall. Seriously though, what's this guy going to do for an encore?

The sight of a clown has always made me a little depressed, but witnessing this jackass might have actually lightened my mood a little due to the shear idiocy of witnessing someone DRESSED AS A CLOWN HANGING FROM A CAGE ATTACHED TO THE UNDERSIDE OF A FLAMING HOT-AIR BALLOON!

Unnamed Belarusian Clown (1980 - 2006)


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Fatal Positive And Negative Attraction

She didn't really look like Jason Statham.I guess for some people they need to add a certain spark back into their relationship and the only way they can do that is to amp up the electricity between them and their loved one. The simple addition of some lingerie didn't do it for Toby and Kirsten Taylor. They needed to turn things up to eleven and involve some nipple clamp electrodes! Shocking? Of course it is!

What isn't shocking is that something this fucking stupid could so obviously go wrong. Dumber than that is the fact that after falling on her face, which was covered with electrical tape, the husband thought she was playing around. What does that sound like to me? He probably kept juicing her and didn't stop until it was too late. Oh well, you wanted her to be hot and wired? You got it! Still, the failed cover up, telling the police that she was shocked by a hair dryer is what makes it even funnier.

If your sexual escapades are fucking kinky, then fess up to it! Don't be embarrassed, this shit resulted in a death, moron. The upside to this? They didn't get to the in and out portion yet, limiting their chances on having kids. One more strain of stupid genes not passed on to another generation.

Kirsten Taylor (1979 - 2008)


The Best Medicine

Ha Ha! You died laughing!They say that laughter is the best medicine, which is why you might think that inhaling large quantities of nitrous oxide, a.k.a "laughing gas", could be a good thing.

Well, turns out that doing so can interfere with your intake of oxygen, essentially suffocating you, without your dumb ass even being aware.

Too bad nobody told that to David Baron, a 58-year-old from Gloucestershire, England, who was found dead in his home, still hooked up to the dental grade machine he had purchased to get all goofy in private.

But wait! That's not the best part. Turns out Mr. Baron had a bit of kinky side, as he was found wearing women's undergarments at the time of his death. Based on photos found at the scene, police surmised that he must have been in the middle of a bizarre "sexual experiment". WTF!? If Mr. Baron was no longer laughing, the police most certainly were.

I guess this goes to show that inhaling large doses of nitrous oxide can be funny -- especially if it's done by a cross-dressing dumbfuck who manages to OD.

David Baron (1947 - 2005)


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Erin Go Fuck Yourself!

Alcohol and Motorcycles don't mix.William Lee Campbell, 41, of Colorado Springs, died recently. Unfortunately for William, there won't be anyone drinking in his honor because he got drunk, got on a motorcycle, and DUI'd, seriously injuring his passenger, Maria Renee Campbell. He could have hurt or killed others, but thankfully only his drunk ass is dead now. You would think a thousand commercials on TV or warning labels on beer bottles would spell it out for people by 2009.

Now that I come to think of it, today is an important day for us here. You see, today is St. Patrick's day, a celebration of when St. Patty died. (Ironic?) Really, is there any better day for us at to celebrate?

Yes. How about "I Won't Go Out And Get Drunk And Annoying In Primary Colors Day"? We're all about people being dumbshits, taking themselves out of the life equation, but don't injure innocent bystanders, or throw up on them. Let them fuck up on their own!

William Lee Campbell (1968 - 2009)

Smokey The Bear Wants To Eat You!

Smokey Bear wants to eat you! Timothy Treadwell, an eccentric (which is really just a polite way of saying bug nuts) amateur naturalist, who lived with Grizzlies for a bunch of years in Alaska, was killed and eaten by one of his Grizzly friends while he slept in a tent with girlfriend Amie Huguenard, who was also killed in the attack.

If you've seen the Herzog documentary Grizzly Man, then you're already familiar with the batshit insane Treadwell, who considered himself the Grizzlies' caretaker, while the bears were probably wondering why they were being stalked by a crazy, yellow-haired, effeminate freak.

The lesson to be learned here is that bears do not want to be your friend, despite some rare exceptions like Smokey the Bear, Winnie the Pooh, or William "The Refrigerator" Perry.

Oh, and for some more of Treadwell's antics, here he is repeatedly kissing a seal, which I can only assume also wanted to kill and eat him:

Timothy Treadwell (1957 - 2003)

Monday, March 16, 2009

He Should Have Visited

Smoking kills! We all know that cigarettes can kill, whether it be through cancer or an out of control fire, but there are other causes as well. Yes, sometimes smoking a butt can make you the butt of Death's big joke. In August of 2004, Hurricane Charley was having its way with Florida, raping the shit out of it again and again.

Danny Williams, 25, of North Fort Myers, decided that since Florida was being fucked so hard by this hurricane that he needed a post-coital cigarette of sorts. So the moron stepped outside his house to light one up in the middle of this raging storm. You would think the wind would be enough to detract him from smoking, cause damn, that must be a pain in the ass for lighting a cigarette. What he didn't know was that even trees don't like the smell of cigarettes, and one Banyan tree decided it had enough! Danny was flattened by more wood than you would find at a gay orgy. I hope that last smoke was a really good one for him. Actually, I don't. I hope he couldn't even get it lit and wasted his time and his life... dumb fuckhead.

Danny Williams (1979 - 2004)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

You're A Dumbass, Jackass!

Jackass! Stephen Paul Rauen was about as impressionable as the pavement that ended his life when he decided to try some early teenage stuntwork of his own. You see, this moronic dumbass thought he could atempt a stunt similar to something he saw on Jackass. Unfortunately for him, Knoxville and company are well versed at such things, and even provided the general brainless public with a disclaimer, telling you not to try to attempt these things yourself.

They did this for each and every episode and film. Stephen didn't pay attention, so when he got catapulted from the roof of a car, hit the pavement, and then was run over and dragged for a bit, his first and last thoughts ever were probably "Oh, shit. This was a bad idea." They say you learn from making mistakes. I guess that taught him!

Stephen Paul Rauen (1986 - 2002)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Apparently, God Didn't Love You.

You're an idiot. We ain't lion! Always go with your gut instincts, don't second guess yourself, and stand true to your intentions. That being said, don't be a fucking idiot. Bungie jumping, sky diving, and car racing are all fun risk-taking exercises of excitement. Religion and faith, however, are not usually mentioned with them, and for good reason.

Ohtaj Humbat ohli Makhmudov decided to prove to the world that his love of God would protect him. Surely, when he jumped into a pen of lions at the Kyiv Zoo, he'd be just fine! "Because God loves me, the lions will not harm me!" Those are what we call famous last words. Waving his arms to get the lions' attention, any god he might have believed in either thought he was an asshole or just wasn't there. He got tackled by a lioness who went straight for his jugular.

The good news is that the lions didn't go hungry that day. The bad news? Shit, there was no bad news!

Ohtaj Humbat ohli Makhmudov (1961 - 2006)

Friday, March 13, 2009

Don't Fuck Horses, Mr. Hands

Quit horsing around! Kenneth Pinyan loved animals. He loved them so much that he allowed them to stick their parts inside of him. Yes, "Mr. Hands" let horses fuck him, and boy did he love it. What he did not love, however, was having his colon torn apart by massive horse cock. The guy was smart enough to work for Boeing, but not smart enough to realize that something as massive as equine penis might do some internal damage.

Dude, you were killed because you got boned by Mr. Ed. If you hadn't died of acute peritonitis you surely should have died of sheer embarassment, you disgusting freak. I don't believe in a heaven or hell, but your heaven sounds like my hell.

Kenneth "Mr. Hands" Pinyan (June 22, 1960 - July 2, 2005)